Clinical Pathology and Hematology Suggestion january 2018
1. Define anticoagulant. Name some anticoagulant used in laboratory.2. Define proteinuria. Write down the causes of proteinuria.
3. Write down the procedure of thick & thin blood film.
4. Name keton bodies. How will detect keton bodies in urine?
1. Define haematuri. Give the cusses of haematuria.2. State the procedure of total count of spermatozoa.
3. Write down the name of instrument used in hematology and clinical pathology.
4. What is ESR? Name some clinical conditions where ESR raised.
5. What is malena? Give the causes of malena.
1. Define MCV, MCH, PCV, and MCHC with their normal range.2. Define CSF. What are the indications of lumber puncture?
3. Give the difference between amoebic and bacillary dysentery.
4. Write the technique for separation of serum and plasma from whole blood.
5. Draw and label the different cell of WBC.
6. Name the methods of Hemoglobin estimation.
7. Describe the hemoglobin estimation by Shalish method.
8. What is erythropoies? Discuses the stage of erythropoies.
9. Write down the routine examination of urine.
1. State the methods and procedure of sugar detection of urine/Benedicts test.2. Define & classify anaemia. Give the blood picture of microcytic hypochromic anaemia.
3. Define bleeding time. Give the procedure of estimation of bleeding time in laboratory.
4. Classify WBC. Draw different types of WBC.
5. Write down the procedure of collection of sputum.
6. What do you mean by normozoospermia, oligospermia, Azoospermia?
7. Mention the possible findings of microscopic examination of stool in our country.
8. Write down the basic steps of urine sample collection.
9. Define blood. What are the composition & function of blood?
10. What is CSF? State the indication of CSF examination.
11. What is semen? What are the indications of semen analysis?
12. Write down the procedure of total count of RBC.
13. Write down the steps of capillary & venous blood collection.
1. Write down the steps of AFB staining.2. What are the organized deposits found in urine?
3. Write down the indication of bone marrow examination.
4. How will you sputum preserve and transport to a reference laboratory.
5. What are the indications of neubauer counting chamber.
6. Write down the factures of CSF in tuberculous meningitis.
7. Write down the indications of urine examination.
8. Write down the principle and procedure of Rothera’s test.
9. What are the causes of mucus in stool?
10. State the procedure of esonophil count in sputum.
11. What are the causes of pleural effusion? Write down the physical examination of pleural fluid.
12. Write down reducing substance present in stool. How you will proceed to diagnosis?
13. What is the causative organism of bacillary dysentery?
14. How will you difference between urinary protein and phosphate.
15. What is neutrophili? Give the causes of neutrophilia.
16. Name the samples of biochemical analysis. Name the chemical preservatives.
17. Give the difference between bacterial meningitis and tuberculous meningitis.
18. Draw and label ova of AL, AD, TT, and EV.
19. Write down the procedure of semen collection.
20. Write down the causes where occult blood test (OBT) is positive in stool. Write down the procedure of occult blood test.
21. State the indications of stool examination.
22. Write down the factors controlling Erythropoies.
23. Describe the procedure of detection of protein in urine by heat coagulation method.
24. What are the organized deposits found in urine under microscopic. Draw and label them.
25. Write down the flotation methods of stool. Examination for ova of helminthes.
26. Write in short about lumber puncture.
27. Define pancytopenia. What are the causes of pancytopenia?
28. Define coagulation time and bleeding time. Write down the procedure of determination of coagulation time.
29. Write down the composition of semen. Mention the purpose of semen collection.
Short note:-
I. Urinometer
II. Leucolytosis
III. Plasma protine
IV. Haemocytometer
V. Floatation concentration method.
VI. Flate of RBC.
VII. Benedicts test.
VIII. RH incompatibility.
IX. Haemoptysis.
X. Heat coagulation test.
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