Estimation of Haemoglobin by Cyanmethemoglobin Method

Principle:Blood is diluted in a solution containing potassium cyanide potassium ferri-cyanide .Haemoglobin is oxidized to methaemoglobin by potassium ferri-cyanide, and methaemoglobin in turn combines with potassium cyanide to form cyanmethaemoglobin. The absorbance of the solution is measured in a spectrophotometer at wavelength 540 nm against Drabkin's solution as a blank. The result is (calculated from the formula provided below) expressed in gm/liter or mg/dl.

-         Spectrophotometer/Colorimeter
-         Automatic pipettes.
-         Racks.
-         Drabkin's solution.
-         Plastic or glass tubes.
-         Blood Collection set.

 Specimen: Venous blood or free-flowing capillary blood can be used.
1.     Pipette 4 ml of Drab kin’s solution in a tube.
2.     Pipette exactly 0.02 ml (20µl) of well mixed blood using a pipette.
3.     Clean outside of the pipette and wash out the blood in the tube containing diluents (dilution=1: 200).
4.     Mix and leave for 5-10 minutes for reaction to be completed.
5.     Pour in a cuvette.
6.     The absorbance of the solution is measures in a spectrophotometer at wave length 540 nm against Drab kin’s solution as a blank. Hb is calculated by the following formula:
                                           Absorption of sample
Haemoglobin (g/dl) = ---------------------------------- X concentration of standard
                                            Absorption of standard

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